


Rick Perry is most famous for embarrassing himself by condemning federal spending and then begging Obama for stimulus money to balance his own budget, cover unemployment, fight wildfires and the swine flu, and keep up with all that federal pork in Texas. But there is so much more. An intellectual featherweight, he couldn’t even handle the almost-ceremonial job of Texas Governor without getting into incredible amounts of trouble: gerrymandering, endless vetoes, threats to kill the entire school budget, stealing elections with illegal donations, trying to hide the paperwork on millions of dollars worth of foreign trips, taking a bribe to approve cancer treatments, blocking health care for teachers, firing people who proved he executed an innocent man, trying to give away huge amounts of money to road builders, and gambling millions on an insurance firm that collapsed. According to polls, if he ran for the White House, he would be crushed even in the Texas primary.


Another name which has bounced around as a potential presidential candidate is Rick Perry – Limbaugh and Bill Kristol want him to run, and so a lot of other conservative hardliners, including a few refugees from the Gingrich campaign, and some Texas donors -- he has strong fund-raising skills. Carolina Republicans want him in, and Iowa Republicans want him on the candidate bus tour there. One thing that might impel him into the race is the obviously weak field; another issue is his hatred of Romney, who allegedly used his position as RGA chief to deny Perry money in a gubernatorial race. However, in his own home state he polls at 4 percent for the presidential nomination, and  one poll indicated that Republicans don't want him to run, so he has his work cut out for him.

If Perry runs, he will try to run on his record. Unfortunately, under his tenure Texas faces a budget deficit of around $27 billion, Texas ranks 45th in high school graduation and dead last in percentage of the population which has health insurance, and his claim of job creation is belied by the fact that he had to use Obama's stimulus money to do it.

The stimulus issue would blow up in his face pretty terribly if he ran. He tried to portray himself as the enemy if Big Gummint, condemning the stimulus bill, complaining that the federal government was so oppressive that Texas should leave the Union. Hell no to federal money. Then he had to turn around and beg Obama for help with the swine flu epidemic, and then stimulus money to cover the Texas deficit, and then federal help with the wildfires, and of course the gobs of federal money Texas gets for the Johnson Space Center, all the military bases, the 800 federal buildings that employ thousands of Texans, the 15 national parks in Texas…..He managed to get slammed for rejecting Obama's help with unemployment money, and then slammed again for flipflopping and taking the money. And behind our backs he used eleven million dollars in stimulus money to fix up his mansion.

Oddly, former rival Kay Bailey Hutchison tried to back up Perry in whining for federal money: “I see a bias in this administration against Texas….I do see it in this administration absolutely. We didn’t get the help on the wildfires that any other state would have gotten. We had to fight hard for our education money.” Which is, of course, hogwash.

Here's Perry comparing Obama to the Pharaoh and trying to check the economic-extremism box and the religious-extremism box all in one statement: "I think in America from time to time we have to go through some difficult times — and I think we’re going through those difficult economic times for a purpose, to bring us back to those Biblical principles of you know, you don’t spend all the money. You work hard for those six years and you put up that seventh year in the warehouse to take you through the hard times. And not spending all of our money. Not asking for Pharaoh to give everything to everybody and to take care of folks because at the end of the day, it’s slavery. We become slaves to government."

PS under Rick "I Hate Obama's Federal Spending" Perry, Texas is building a health care exchange under Obamacare, using $1 million in HHS money. You’re welcome!

Perry got a bachelor’s in animal science at Texas A&M. As we know from watching Bush for eight years, you don’t need to be a genius to be Texas governor since the job is practically ceremonial. Even Fox news admits that “Perry has a reputation as a policy lightweight” and lobbyists and legislators have taken advantage of him a number of times. He gave $20 million to an insurance firm, Countrywide, which promised to create jobs; instead it cut jobs and then collapsed.He tried to give away huge tracts of Texas territory to a private firm to build a toll road running from Oklahoma to Mexico, and the firm would get to keep the toll proceeds.

Perry is a darling of the tea party because he is an extremist. He supports intelligent design; rejects global warming; and blocked health care for teachers. He is a hard-core opponent of abortion and signed a bill forcing pregnant women to look at sonograms before having the procedure. He wants to eliminate income tax and pass tort reform; he wants to let states withdraw from the Social Security and Medicaid programs, which would destroy the programs; he cut billions from children’s support services; he supported Texas’ anti-gay law; he advocated secession which even Kay Bailey Hutchison ridiculed. His anti-environmental record is so awful that Texas pollutes more than any other state. Even with a yahoo conservative legislature he set an all-time record in the use of vetoes; he tried to play chicken with the legislature by vetoing the entire public-school budget. As he woos the party base, he will downplay the fact that he began political life as a Democrat and campaigned for Gore in 1988, and that he signed the Texas DREAM Act, allowing illegals to go to college.

And he's a crook. He won his 2006 race by means of an illegal million-dollar donation that led to a lawsuit; Perry was forced to pay $426,000. He gerrymandered district borders to give the Republicans more House seats. He approved cervical cancer vaccinations but only because the drug firm paid him off and gave his aide a lobbying job. He approved the execution of retarded prisoners, and fired officials who proved he executed an innocent man. He spent more than a million taxpayer dollars on foreign trips and vacations and tried to hide the expenses from the public.


  1. Scared aren't you>.. you libtardian zero... be scared

  2. Thank you for your comment, Governor Perry, but you should really let one of your staffers answer these. Preferably someone who doesn't use infantile words like "libtard". People already think you're an intellectual featherweight -- don't give them more ammunition.

    And I do hope you don't really think the Democrats fear you. They are drooling at the prospect of running against your execrable record.

    "Execrable". Means "bad". Have your staffer explain these things to you.
