

Santorum's track record is a tad wobbly:

He claimed we found WMD’s in Iraq.

He equated Democrats to 1930s appeasement.

He wants to teach intelligent design in schools.

He implicitly equated homosexuality with incest, pedophilia, polygamy and bestiality. He believes that approving consensual sex is the first step to approving incest, polygamy and adultery, and that we shouldn’t “create” rights for gays, such as allowing them to adopt.

He tried prevent the National Weather Service from announcing weather data (a rival firm is based in his home state).

He charged taxpayers thousands of dollars for tuition for his kids, which they were not legally entitled to.

As an incumbent Senator he was tossed out of office by an 18 point margin, by his own constituents, the people who know him best.

He believes that African-Americans are incapable of handling marriage or competently addressing national issues.

He believes that women with careers are undermining the traditional family. He wants criminal charges against doctors who perform abortions even in cases of rape or incest.

He believes that Islam is evil and that we need to fight Sharia law, but Obama and Holder are giving in and kowtowing to Muslims and terrorists.

He wanted Ryan to gut Social Security too. In his campaign launch he bragged about working to kill social security with “personal retirement accounts”.

He tried to exploit D-Day by claiming that Obama is showing disrespect to the Normandy heroes by forcing them to use Medicare.

But I think there are two illustrations that depict him best. First, he tried to attack John “Five-Years-In-Hanoi” McCain on the torture issue. The response from McCain’s spokesperson, in response to Santorum’s nutty, said it all: “Who?” Effectively dismissing Santorum’s intellect and indeed his candidacy in one word.

And second, Rick Santorum went out there insinuating that Obama is…a black Muslim totalitarian communist who hates families. Let’s crack the code-words together.  “The founding documents upon which our founding documents were based and that's the Judeo-Christian ethics that is the base [i.e. no Muslim presidents for us!]... We are a people of western civilization [i.e. white people] founded upon the Bible [no Muslims!]. We believe in the ability, the collective ability of free and virtuous people to do more for our society than a benevolent authoritarian government [Obama’s a socialist tyrant!!] ….We believe in free markets, free enterprise, we believe in democratic capitalism [He’s a communist!!]. We believe that families are the basic unit of society, not government. That families are responsible for educating and cultivating character in our children, not our schools [no sex education, no evolution, but pray pray pray!!].….Barack Obama wanted to make us into Europe [scary foreigner!] ….We are going to fight for America. We are going to fight for the Judeo-Christian ethic. We’re going to fight for our founding documents [which are threatened by you know who] and we will win in November.”…Easier with the subtitles, isn’t it?

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