
Obstruction and harassment

Republicans decided very early on that they would aim to destroy Obama’s presidency even if it meant destroying the country in the process; men like Limbaugh were openly rooting for Obama to fail in his effort to clean up Bush’s mess. Thus, the endless obstruction is Congress, filibusters, many executive branch positions left unfilled, nominees getting fed up and quitting, which makes it harder for Democratic professionals to further their careers, and so forth.

Also it is only a matter of time before Issa in the House follows through on his promise to begin issuing subpoenas against anyone he can think of, in the White House, following the muddy path of Kenneth Starr. Right after Obama killed bin Laden, Issa decided to take him down a notch and made the subpoenas fly. Watch Issa the next time Obama racks up another achievement, or the GOP makes another stumble: more paperwork will go over to the White House.

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