
The Republicans have declared war on America

They have antagonized blacks with their two-year scorched-earth attacks against Obama, Holder, pretty much any black person with power.
They have antagonized women with a multi-state effort to take away a woman’s right to choose, and their effort to make it legal to kill abortion doctors, and their effort to defund contraceptive services.
They have antagonized Hispanics with their “papers please” laws which essentially make it illegal to be brown, and with their demeaning treatment of Sonya Sotomayor (as well as Elena Kagan for that matter).
They have antagonized gays with the war against equality in marriage and in the military.
They have antagonized Muslims by holding hearings which strongly imply that perfectly innocent American Muslims are a danger to America.
They have antagonized working families, teachers, policemen and firemen, and all the people they serve, with their war on unions, which they admit was driven by a desire to crush the unions so they can’t donate to Obama.
They have antagonized all public-sector employees with the incessant implications that they’re all a waste of space.
They have antagonized students and the young, by trying to take away their vote because they’re “too liberal”, and by spending their birthright through 30 years of Reaganomics.
They have antagonized anybody who cares about the environment.
They have antagonized the unemployed by cutting benefits and refusing to work to create jobs.
They have antagonized the elderly with their threats to take away Medicare and Social Security: they’re still angry that the AARP supported health reform.
They have antagonized everyone with medical problems, by trying to kill health care reform.
They have antagonized anyone who loves freedom, by openly encouraging violence against anyone who disagrees with them, including lawmakers.
They have antagonized anyone who loves democracy, by crippling the Congress with obstruction and by using illegal efforts to stop Democrats from voting and participating in the political process.

The Republicans have declared war on you.

So who will vote for them in 2012? Other than brainless people who are willing to feed the mouth that bites them? Middle-aged healthy employed straight white Anglo-Saxon Christian men who neither work for, nor get service from, the government, or unionized labor, and have no young, old or sick people in their household. And who have no brains, no morals, no clue. People who forgot, if they ever knew, what America is all about, all while proclaiming they are the “real Americans”. That’s their base.

So what are they really trying to sell us?

If you want holy wars against gays and Mexicans and Muslims,
If you want to see the death of Medicare and Social Security,
If you want to borrow trillions to give tax breaks to the rich that your kids will have to pay off,
If you want leaders who are so incompetent that they couldn’t find a seven-foot-tall terrorist in Pakistan or a hurricane in New Orleans,
If you really want to hear endless lies about WMDs and torture and birth certificates and death panels,
If you want to give a blank check to the corporate criminals who destroyed our economy and pour millions into secret campaign slush funds,
If you want a commander in chief who mistreats and exploits our troops for political advantage,
If you’re okay with illegal prosecutions of Democrats just for being Democrats, illegal signing statements, illegal prisons, illegal wiretaps, illegal torture,
If you want politicians who want to take away your right to join a union if you’re a policeman or a firefighter or a teacher,
Take away your right to choose under Roe v Wade,
Take away your right to vote if you’re a student or a working mom or elderly or sick or disabled or poor or black or Hispanic,
Politicians who want to destroy government entirely with obstruction and filibusters and shutdowns and brinksmanship and riots and vandalism: you remember the health reform fight?

Then by all means, hand the reins to the GOP again.

Think about it one more time:  if you really want holy wars against unions and gays and Medicare and Roe v Wade and the right to vote, if you want to borrow trillions to give tax breaks to the rich that your kids will have to pay off, if you're proud that your tax dollars are used to torture people without trial, if you are proud of a government that gives you endless lies, crimes and incompetence, then go for it.

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